Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Funny how confidence seems to come in waves.  I have been all pumped up about following my passion and making my creative dreams real when POOF.  I read on a photographer's blog (one I REALLY respect) that taking photographs that people like on Facebook doesn't make you a photographer.  She went on to say charging people doesn't either.  Having a DSLR camera doesn't mean you can call yourself a photographer.  (Which leads the question, what does make you a photographer, but that's another post entirely.)

This made me contemplate my own decisions and well, my creative existence

Way back when, before I had kids, I was a mental health therapist.  (I hesitate to type the word was, as it is still such a big part of my identity.) I remember after graduate school I would refer to myself as a therapist and feel like I was lying or exaggerating.  It said that on my business card, why did I doubt it?

I have a confidence issue.  It wears off on others.  What I mean is that when one doesn't believe in themselves, no one else does.  Even after five years of work as a pediatric and family mental health therapist, many of my family and friends didn't understand what I did for a living, or respect it.  I always seem to give myself too much or, more often, not enough credit. 

So I am trying not to allow that to happen again.
I am a photographer.  

I am still learning.   I would never compare myself to a seasoned professional because I am neither seasoned nor professional.  But I AM a photographer.  I just decided.  And I can make it so.  Create your own destiny, right? 
As a therapist I might have recommended that one should set high yet achievable goals.  I can and will refer to myself as a photographer. 

And if you think I'm not, please don't say it out loud, I am working up some confidence here.

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