Thursday, March 17, 2011

A prayer for the world

The world is on fire.  Watching the world news last night I can't help but look around my house.  My warm, clean house with a floor (not mud) and a roof and comfort.  I feel grateful.  My kids (each in their very own room) in soft beds with warm blankets and full tummies.  Sometimes I am deeply struck by how lucky I was just to be born here.  I mean, I am an American woman and just that alone makes me one of the luckiest women on Earth.  I have never in my life been without food, shelter, or water.  I have felt loss, but never hopelessness and never felt the terror that is going on in some parts of the world right now.  I am deeply moved by the character of the Japanese people the spirit of the Haitians, and hope for some peace in the rest of the world.

Peace begins in the heart of each individual.  Let divine love radiate out from you to your family and friends,  generating peace around you. When you extend your thoughts of love and peace to your community, your country, and then to nations and people everywhere, you create an atmosphere of peace that embraces the world.

The spirit of love unites every heart, blessing the planet with peace.
With hearts united. 

With gratitude.

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