Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Say YES to silly

As I type this, Lucy is jumping up and down, smiling, & yelling I LOVE YOU BACK MOMMY! 
Over & Over
Today I want to talk about being present.  Too often I am picking up or doing dishes, running errands, and other petty tasks that seem to never cease.  Too often I have days where I don't play enough.  Say 
enough.  Even read to my three short people enough.  So today I want you to find a pad of post its and write YES!  on each one.  Now put them everywhere in your house.  Yes to playdough.  Yes to painting.  Yes to outside, games, books, and hide and seek.  (Don't just tell them to hide and then wait them out.)  Be present.  Smell them!  Take photographs!  Show up!  They will be big before we know it and this chaos will be silent.  Be sentimental now-you won't regret it later.   

Now, go and eat some Halloween candy with your kids (or by yourself if you don't have short people at your house).  Talk to you tomorrow. 


  1. Thanks for the reminder. This is true even when your kids get older. It does go by so fast. What I would give to turn back time for a day to when Briana was little and just hold her in my arms...not that I can't hold her now it is just at 13 well lets just say it is not the same.

  2. Hugs to all of you. I love you so much!
